Behind Closed Doors with Tracy Smothers

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The wild-eyed Southern boy doesn’t ever disappoint!


Tracy Smothers has been here, there and everywhere! This 20+ year veteran sits down for another edition of Behind Closed Doors! Some of the topics covered…
– Memories of his favorite wrestlers as a kid.
– How he got into the business.
– What Steve Keirn’s biggest mistake was.
– How hard it was to manage working a regular job and trying to be a wrestler.
– Tojo Yamamoto’s thoughts on him as a wrestler.
– His first big break.
– His time in Florida.
– Working with New Breed.
– His time in Continental.
– Working with The Stud Stable.
– How he met Steve Armstrong.
– How he got into NWA/WCW.
– Why Dusty Rhodes hated him and Steve Armstrong.
– His first trip to Japan with Los Brazos.
– Working with The Midnight Express.
– Why ‘The Southern Boys’ became ‘The Young Pistols’.
– Working with The Master Blasters.
– Thoughts on the constant booker changes in WCW & how it affected him.
– Which bookers he liked and which he disliked.
– Why Steve Armstrong left WCW.
– What he did after WCW released him.
– Going to Japan to work for All Japan Pro Wrestling.
– Wrestling with Steve Williams, Terry Gordy & Joel Deaton.
– Who convinced him to return to the wrestling world?
– A special description of the typical Southern wrestling fan in the mountains.
– Thoughts on The Gangstas in SMW.
– Why he had to step in and stop the police from going after New Jack once.
– Thoughts on a young Chris Candido.
– Working his first ever ladder match.
– Why he thinks SMW eventually folded.
– Working W*ING as Jason The Terrible.
– Thoughts on Mr. Pogo and the time Pogo shot on him.
– Why nobody wants to work with Mr. Pogo.
– His opinion on the hardcore style of W*ING and IWA Japan.
– The Gilberts shooting over in Japan.
– Thoughts on some of the younger All Japan guys at the time he was over such as: Misawa, Akiyama, Kawada, Taue & Kikuchi.
– Working with Giant Baba.
– Who gave him the Freddie Joe Floyd gimmick & how the name was thought up.
– Thoughts on his old SMW buddies getting gimmicks such as T.L. Hopper & Santa Xlaus.
– The only good thing the WWF did with him.
– How he got into ECW.
– Who he was brought in to put over.
– Thoughts on the ECW locker room.
– Great story about New Jack kicking a fan out of the locker room.
– How the FBI was formed.
– His thoughts on fellow FBI members.
– Memories of his famous ECW promos.
– Did Paul Heyman ask him to do anything else beside wrestle?
– Training wrestlers in the WWF development camp.
– Working WWF weekend shows like Jakked & Shotgun.
– Who got him into XPW.
– His thoughts on Rob Black & the XPW roster.
– Returning to ECW/WWE for ‘One Night Stand’.
– Working Hardcore Homecoming.
– The differences between the two shows.
– Was there any heat from the guys who weren’t working both shows?
– What was the locker room like at ‘One Night Stand’?
– How much power did Paul Heyman really have that night?
– ***The incident between JBL & The Blue Meanie including his own involvement.***
– What happened when everyone finally got backstage.
– His thoughts on JBL & why he shouldn’t be compared to other Texas such as Dick Murdoch & Stan Hansen.
– The story behind his internet tirade on JBL a few days later.
– Does he still feel the same as he did on that day?
– Has he had any contact with JBL since that night?
– His thoughts on the independant scene across the United States.
– Why indies aren’t drawing these days.
– What’s wrong with some of the younger wrestlers he has come across.
– Why he has to sometimes take things into his own hands in the ring.
– Thoughts on wrestlers who have passed away such as Curt Hennig, Chris Candido & Eddy Guerrero.
– Story about meeting Eddy Guerrero & Chris Benoit at the ECW One Night Stand PPV
– What he noticed about Eddy that really scared him…
– What he noticed about Benoit that really scared him…
– Promoters ripping him off.
– Memories of an infamous match against Lex Luger in February 2005. (***INCLUDES FOOTAGE!***)
– Thoughts on Terry Gordy before & after his OD.
– Drugs in wrestling.
– Can the early deaths in wrestling be stopped?
– His own medical problems throughout his career including a recent heart condition scare.
– How much longer does he think he has left?
– What would he like to accomplish before he retires?
– Special message for his fans & one special fan in particular… JBL!