Harry Smith Shoot Interview

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RF Video has recently conducted a new intriguing shoot interview with one of the fastest rising superstars in the industry and a son of a wrestling legend, “The Stampede Bulldog”, Harry Smith. Being the son of the legendary wrestler Davey Boy Smith, “The British Bulldog”.
Harry’s sit down shoot interview with RF Video is by far a dark horse interview in the sence, because of his extensive knowledge and stories of the wrestling business, despite Harry only being 19 years old. This new star on the horizon is of course part of wrestling hierarchy, being a member of the Hart Family in Calgary. Harry recalls awesome stories involving his father and his partner The Dynamite Kid, plus stories involving Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Stu Hart & Jim Neidhart. Also remember Harry has stories involving his mother Diana Smith, who also had a managerial run in WWF as well. Harry talks about being groomed in the business and actually receiving his first match in the WWF with his cousin Teddy Hart, when he was an amazing 11 years old. Harry also discusses the pain of losing his father, Owen, Stu, and all of the drama of the Hart household. He also discusses how Bret and Chris Benoit are now helping in guiding this can’t miss superstars bright future. Find out what his future might be as Harry talks about MLW, New Japan, Teddy Hart, U.S. independents, TNA & WWE. Compare Shawn Michaels to Bret Hart’s shoot interviews as this interview gives the best honest third party inside view to many of the most intriguing questions burning the minds of fans throughout the world.

What are your earliest memories of your father
How did you cope with your father being away so much
What are your earliest memories of Stu and Helen
What is the best story Stu ever told you
Earliest memories of Teddy
Were you a wrestling fan immediately
Did you travel on the road with your dad
Were you ever exposed to your dad’s susbtance problems
Did you ever ask your dad about Dynamite
Your dad was a legendary ribber. Did he ever rib you in the house
What do you remember about your dad’s workout routine and eating lifestyle
Your mom was part of a few angles, do you think she liked it
How close were you to Bret and Owen
Any good Owen stories
Any good Bret stories
Are you still close to Bret
What are some of your favorite matches featuring your dad
How did your dad react to you wanting to wrestle
What was the best thing he taught you
Thoughts on Vince McMahon
Did anyone specifically babysit or spend time with you as a kid when youd go to WWF or WCW shows
How did things change when your dad went to WCW
What was the training like
What was the hardest thing to pick up
Did you play sports in high school
What was it like going to school as the son of a WWF superstar
What happened when WCW released your father while he was in the hospital
How did life change for you when Owen died
How did life change for your family with all of the fighting
How did things change between your dad and Bret when your dad signed with the WWF
What do you remember about teaming with your dad
Has your mom discouraged you from the business
How has she coped with the loss of your father and being estranged from the family
Your mom wrote a book that was quickly pulled, what were your thoughts on the book
Who do you watch tapes of today and learn from
Did your dads problems with substances discourage you from using them yourself
Can you talk about how your Raw tryout came about, thoughts about the match, how you were treated by the locker room, etc
Court Bauer booked you and TJ for MLW, thoughts on Court
Did you look at MLW as a big break
Thoughts on TJ
Do you think your association with Teddy has hurt or helped you on the indys
Thoughts on Teddy
Is Teddy his own worst enemy
Has Chris Benoit been a mentor to you
If so, what has his advice been
Thoughts on matches in MLW with the Havana Pitbulls
Do people try and take advantage of you because of your name
Is it hard to root out sincere friendships in the business
You had the opportunity 2 years ago to go to the WWE, how did it come about and why didn’t you go
Do you think you burnt a bridge
Does Vince still talk to your mom or yourself at all
Thoughts on the resurrection of Stampede
Thoughts on Uncle Bruce
How did you wind up in New Japan
Thoughts on New Japan
How were you treated
Was it hard being in a foreign country by yourself at such a young age
How did you get hurt
How frustrating was that to you
How did it affect your push
You quit Stampede last year, why
Last spring you had 2 wwe matches, how did they come about
Thoughts on your match with Teddy
Is it true that Teddy faked an injury the next night
Do you think Teddy brought you heat
How were you treated
Thoughts on Jim Ross
Thoughts on John Laurenitus
You wrestled Kevin Steen for JAPW, thoughts on Kevin and the match
How did you wind up back in Stampede wrestling
Thoughts on wrestling for Ted Dibiase
Thoughts on your match with Chris Hero
Thoughts on wrestling AJ Styles
Memories of Mat Rats
What are your goals in 2006
Who do you look to as a role model in the business
Who are some of your fav and least fav guys to work with
What is the hardest thing about working on the indys
Can you make a fulltime living on the indys
What is the biggest problem with the indys today
Who would you like to wrestle that you havent
Who has taught you the most in the business
Whos the best worker we have never heard of that is on the indys right now
Where do you wanna be in wrestling in 5 years
Why do you think some second generation wrestlers like Dustin Rhodes and the Ortons make it where others like David Flair and David Sammartino fail
What would your father’s biggest critique of your style or career be do you think
Who has your fav opponent been on the indys
You went to several Wrestlemanias as a kid, which was your fav and why
Future plans
Can you talk about the added pressures of being the son of Davey Boy Smith
Advice for young guys
How important has tape studying been to your career
Thoughts on newsletters and the internet
Best ribs you ever saw
Road stories from all areas
Have you had any talks at all with TNA in the last year
Can a good television writer write good wrestling
Thoughts on Steroids in wrestling
What is your favorite moment in your career
What are your fav matches in your career
Thoughts on your cousin’s Nattie career
What do you think is wrong with the business today
Any thoughts on writing a book when you are done