Iceman King Parsons Shoot Interview

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RF Video conducted what may go down as one of the most controversial shoot interviews of all time. From death to drugs to groupies to racism, this is a shoot interview that you have to see. It would have to take one man who has seen all of the controversy and known the players to give an interview like this one. That one man is Iceman King Parsons. RF Video is thrilled to announce its newest shoot interview with the great Iceman King Parsons.

At one time, Iceman was one of the most popular wrestlers in the business. How did a young man driving a dump truck in Houston wind up on the shoulders of fans in Dallas Texas? Iceman’s journey started with a chance meeting. Iceman talks about how it all went down and how he wound up working for Paul Boesch as a rookie.

Iceman has some great stories about his early days in the business. Unlike today’s era, Iceman wasn’t smartened up right away. It took a grueling beating from one of wrestling’s veterans to smarten up Iceman. What veteran and legendary manager took liberties with Iceman and almost ran him out of the business? The story will shock and inspire you at the same time.

Iceman is very candid with the racism he faced as a young black man in the industry. Iceman talks about the problems he had early on in Portland. Iceman talks about being harassed nightly by one wrestler and the booker. How did he handle it? What mentor finally gave Iceman the courage to stand up for himself? What happened after he stood up for himself? Iceman also gives a fun retrospective of Roddy Piper from that time period.

One of the most interesting topics was Iceman’s brief run for Jim Crockett. Iceman gives a blow-by-blow account of a locker room meeting which changed the course of his career forever. What did Iceman say to the new booker in front of the entire locker room that led to his departure? Wait until you hear the angle that Iceman proposed that could have been one of the biggest ever. What legendary wrestler backed up Iceman? What was Crockett’s reaction?

Iceman also talks about the decision that changed his career forever. Iceman talks about making a deal with another territory before going to World Class. Wait until you hear about where he was supposed to go and what gimmick he was supposed to take. Even more surprising is the wrestler that told him to stay away from that area because the promoters and bookers couldn’t be trusted. Needless to say, Iceman’s career would have turned out a lot different.

Iceman recounts the excitement of going to World Class. Iceman talks about developing the Iceman Parsons character, his promos, and even who gave him the name Iceman. Iceman tells a fun story about how he head heat with Fritz on his first night. That all changed quickly. Iceman recalls his debut match and the immediate reaction from the office. What did Kerry, Fritz, and the Freebirds say when he walked back through the curtain?

Iceman is not shy in talking about all of the controversies surrounding World Class. Iceman talks openly about the Von Erich family’s issues. Iceman may upset with some people when he talks about who is really at fault for the boy’s problems. Iceman puts the blame on one person and it isn’t who you think it is. This is an intense moment, and it must be seen to be believed. Iceman also talks about the night Tommy Rogers gave Kevin CPR in the ring. You won’t believe what Fritz’s reaction was after the match.

Iceman also talks about all of the other controversies linked to the World Class area. Iceman gives his thoughts on Gino’s passing with new information. Iceman talks a lot about the late Chris Adams and his issues. Iceman also talks about Bruiser Brody’s death in Puerto Rico. Iceman gives a reason behind it that has never been revealed anywhere. Iceman also talks about the night he and Brody almost went at it. Iceman also talks about the problems with abuse and how he was able to avoid those pitfalls.

This is one interview you do not want to miss. Whether you are a fan of Iceman’s or just want to hear some great stories, this interview has it all. This is one interview that will be talked about for a long time in our offices. It is with great honor and pleasure that RF Video brings to you the newest shoot interview with Iceman King Parsons.

Were you a wrestling fan growing up
Who did you enjoy watching
How did you get into the business
What was the training like
What was the biggest misconception of the business that you had
What was the hardest thing in training
How soon did you smarten up
Memories of your first match
Did anyone mentor you early on
Memories working for Paul Boesch
Is it true you drove the ring truck
Fav matches from that time period
Did any of the vets mentor you
Do you think Paul saw something in you
Memories of the big show s
Did you make any longstanding friendships from that time
Memories of Iron Sheik from that time
Did he stretch you
How did you get into Portland
Memories of Don Owens
Is it true that his brother used to bet on shoots or matches or something like that
Any good Don Owens stories
Memories of your first matches there
How did you develop your promos
Did you encounter racism early on
Who did you ride with
Any good road stories
Memories of Roddy Piper
Memories of Buddy Rose
Memories teaming with Rocky Johnson
Do you remember his son
Memories of the Grappler
Memories of Rip Oilver
Who were your fav and least fav opponents
How did you wind up in Mid Atlantic
Thoughts on Jim Crockett
Thoughts on George Scott
Memories of Ric Flair
Was this a racist area
Memories of Paul Jones
Memories of Ivan Koloff
Who paired you up with Porkchop
Memories of Porkchop
Memories feuding with Don Kernoodle and Jim Nelson
Memories of Greg Valentine
Memories of Rick Steamboat
Who were your fav and least fav opponents down here
Good road stories
Are you surprised Jim went national
Why did you wind up leaving
How did you wind up working for Fritz
Initial impressions of Fritz
Thoughts on Gary Hart as a booker
Compare Gary to Ken Mantell
Memories of Bruiser Brody
What was it like to be a babyface during this time period
What was the partying and the groupie scene like on the road
How huge were the Von Erichs
Do you think Fritz should have went national
Have you seen the documentaries on World Class and thoughts
Thoughts on the Sportatorium
Thoughts on Kerry
Thoughts on Kevin
What was it like when you heard the news about David
People say he was the best of the bunch, do you agree
Thoughts on Mike
Were the boys drug issues as out of hand as some claim
Memories of matches with the Freebirds
Thoughts on Michael Hayes rise to power in the WWE
Thoughts on your series with Buddy Jack
Did that series put you over the top
Memories teaming with Junkyard Dog
Was it tough in a sense that you knew you could never be a top babyface here
Memories of Brian Adidas
Memories of Chris Adams
Memories of Gino Hernandez
Do you think he was murdered
Memories of Jimmy Garvin
Memories of teaming with Buck Zumhofe
Memories of Jake Roberts
You went to Mid South for a little while in 1985. Was Bill Watts trying to make you the next JYD
Thoughts on=2 0your run there
Why was it so brief
Memories of Koko Ware
Thoughts on his Hall of Fame induction
Memories of matches with Rick Rude
Memories of Abdullah the Butcher
Some guys say that Abdullah tried to keep black wrestlers out of All Japan. Any thoughts on that
Memories teaming with Andre the Giant
Any good WCCW road stories
How did you wind up working for Bill Watts UWF
Thoughts on Bill as a booker
Memories of your series with Chris Adams in UWF
Thoughts on Eddie Gilbert as a booker
Did you like wrestling as a heel
Memories of feuding with Savannah Jack
Memories of Jim Duggan
Early memories of Sting and Warrior
Memories of matches with Dibiase and Williams
How did you wind up working for the Texas All Star company
Was Fritz upset
Memories of tagging with Tiger Conway
What do you think went wrong for World Class
You went back to World Class, how did things change
Memories teaming with Buddy Roberts
Memories of the Fritz heart attack angle
Did you know Kerry only had one leg
Was it easier to get a push with the Von Erichs on their way out
Memories of teaming with Terry Taylor
Memories of matches with the Fantastics
Memories of Skandor Akbar
Memories of the Blackbirds in Memphis
Thoughts on Lawler and Jerry Jarrett
Were they fair to you
Memories of Brickhouse Brown
Memories of Undertaker from this time period
Memories of Dustin Rhodes
How did things change when both companies merged
Thoughts on Eric Embry as a booker
Memories of Action Jackson
Memories of Herb Abrams
Was it different working on the east
Memories of matches with Col Debeers
Did you ever attempt to get into WCW or WWE20in the 80s
How did you wind up in Global
Was Joe Pedicino a money mark or did you think it had a chance
Why did it fail
Memories of Mick Foley
Memories of Scott Levy
What were your thoughts on the Jerry Lynn-Lightning Kid matches at the time
Memories of Harlem Heat
Surprised at Booker Ts success
Do you think World Class was cursed
Thoughts on Chris Adams and what happened to him
Some say you took his passing very hard
Do you still keep in touch with Kevin Von Erich
Could a territory like that work today
What drove you out of the business
How much of an influence did you see in the Rock’s promos
Memories of Super Clash III
Are you surprised TNA never called since you knew Jeff from CWA
What finally led to your retirement
Thoughts and memories of Chris Adams’ Shoot Wrestling
What do you miss most
Was it hard adjusting to life after wrestling
Do you still watch wrestling
What are your thoughts on all of the deaths of the past few years and which in particular hit you hardest
Thoughts on UFC and comparisons to pro wrestling
Do you want to write a book
What do you do today
Fav and least fav guys to work with
Fav ribs and road stories
Any chances of coming back