Scott Casey Shoot Interview

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The Scott Casey shoot interview is just one great story after another. Scott has a great memory as he just recounts story after story about so many of the wrestlers that he worked with thru out his career. You will hear a lot of stories from the Funks down in Texas as well as his time in Florida. Scott also worked thru out all of the major territories in the 70’s and 80’s. From working with great bookers like Dusty Rhodes and Eddie Graham to working with Joe Blanchard and Fritz Von Erich….

Scott Casey has a lot of stories on the Von Erichs as well since he worked a lot of programs in the World Class territory. You will hear some new crazy Von Erich Stories that will knock your socks off. Scott was one of those guys who got to work with almost everyone in the business and he has some wild party stories as well. This shoot should be called sex drugs and wrestling….as there are so many wild stories thru out his shoot.

Scott got his big break in the WWE but for some reason it never panned out. You will hear first hand on what went wrong for him in the WWE and who does he blame. From his behind closed doors with Vince to his life on the road with the WWF you will hear some of the wildest stories of all time. If your a fan of the old school wrestlers, than the Scott casey shoot is something you got to get your hands on!!!
How did you get into the business
Howd you get started
Was the training more difficult than you thought
Memories of your first match
What was the hardest thing about breaking into the business back then
How long were you kayfabed for
Did any vets mentor you early on
Did any vets test you
How did you get booked into the Amarillo territory
Thoughts on Dory Sr
Memories of matches there
Is it true that you were sent to Florida after one match in Amarillo
How soon did you start to feel comfortable with yourself in the ring
Memories of working for Eddie Graham early on
Did you like the territory
Memories of Paul Jones
Memories of Bob Roop
Memories of a younger Dusty Rhodes
You left the territory for awhile, where did you go from there
How come you came back after a year
Memories of Gary Hart
Memories of Jack Brisco
Memories of Dory Funk
Memories of Terry Funk and matches
Memories of Bob Orton
Memories of Tim Woods
Memories of matches with Kevin Sullivan
How did you develop your promos
Memories of Mark Lewin
Memories of Ernie Ladd
Memories of Andre the Giant
Any good road stories
Memories of Hiro Matsuda
You once said he liked to kill you but teach you, what did you mean by that
Memories of Bob Backlund
Memories of Rocky Johnson
Memories of matches with Harley Race
Memories of matches with Buddy Roberts
Memories of Don Muraco
Thoughts on Mike Graham
Memories of Superstar Graham
Did you ever try steroids or feel pressured to do so
A lot of fans remember you from Southwest, how did you get into SWest
Memories of Joe Blanchard
Was he a fair booker
Memories of Tully
Memories of Gino Hernandez
Fav matches and feuds
Least fav matches
Memories of Bob Sweetan
Memories of Manny Fernandez
Memories of Nick Bockwinkel
Memories of Wayne Ferris
Memories of Bruiser Brody
Memories of One Man Gang
Memories of teaming with Chavo Guerrero
Memories of Ivan Putski
Memories teaming with Wahoo McDaniel
You worked with Eddie Mansfield here, were you surprised with the 20/20 deal
Memories of Billy Robinson
Memories of matches with Jimmy Snuka for the Texas title
Memories of matches vs. the Funks
Memories of matches with Adrian Adonis
Memories of Stan Hansen
Memories of matches against Eric Embry and Ken Timbs
Memories of your feud with the Sheepherders
Memories of matches with Adrian Street
Memories of Bobby Jaggers
Memories of matches with Killer Brooks
Memories of the Rock and Roll Express
How did you wind up in World Class
Thoughts on Fritz
How out of control were the Von Erich boys
Did you like the territory
Memories of your feud with John Tatum and Missy Hyatt
Memories of Sunshine
Memories of the Freebirds
Thoughts on how things turned out for Chris Adams
Were you on the plane when he was arrested
Any good road stories
Memories of Andre the Giant
Did you get your brother Steve into the business
Why do you think he wasn’t as successful as you were
How did you wind up in the WWF
Thoughts on Vince McMahon
Thoughts on the locker room
Favorite guys to work with
Favorite guys to travel with
Did you know coming in that you’d be used primarily as an undercard guy
How soon did it frustrate you
Were the other guys kind of surprised by this
Do you think any specific road agent had it in for you
Memories teaming with Dan Spivey on house shows
Memories of matches with the Hart Foundation
Memories of matches with Demolition
Memories of matches with the Islanders
Memories of your Survivor Series match
How did the end of your run come
Do you think you left on good terms with Vince
Have you ever tried to come back as a road agent, etc
At what point did you realize that you couldn’t make a full time living working on the territories.
Was it hard to transition from pro wrestling to a regular job
How did you get involved with Nick Bockwinkel’s school
You trained Booker T, what do you remember about him as a student
What do you do today
Would you like to get back involved in the business as either an agent or booker
Does the lack of kayfabe today bother you
What happened to your school
Thoughts on Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan wrestling today
Thoughts on UFC and comparisons to pro wrestling
What do you do today
Fav and least fav guys to work with
Fav ribs and road stories