This is one Shoot Interview that doesn’t need a write up. It’s Teddy Hart and he talks and talks openly about all his controversies. Love him or hate him you’ll be entertained at this Shoot Interview as Teddy runs his mouth about a number of different subjects from his fight with CM Punk to Steve Corino to growing up a Hart to what happened in the Scramble Cage. You’ll either be laughing or wanting to throw something at your TV in this unique Shoot Interview!!! Here are some of the topic discussed:
-Growing up around the Hart family
-Talks about learning the business from the Hart brothers
-When he decided to become a wrestler
-Did he feel pressured to get into the business
-Talks about some of the wrestlers who trained him and what each one taught him
-What negatives was he told about the business
-Did Stu Hart have any involvement with his training
-Memories of early matches
-Memories of wrestling with his brother
-Continuing to wrestle after his brother passed away
-Getting into the WWE Funkin Dojo
-What was it like
-Working the battle royal at NWA 50th Anniversary Show
-Being offered a WWE contract then having it taken away
-Wrestling on Stampede TV
-Working Sabu at the Stampede Anniversary show
-Talks about the Mat Rats concept
-Who were some of the wrestlers involved in the project
-How did Eric Bischoff get involved
-What plans did Bischoff have for the project and why the deal feel apart
-How he ended up working for NWA TNA
-Talks about his matches against Jonny Storm & Juventud Guerrera
-Talks about getting up so quick after the finish of the match with Juvi
-Thoughts on all the heat he got for going it
-Teddy gives his story of what happened in the Scramble Cage Match
-Talks about Loc & DeVito shooting on him in the ring -What did Jim Cornette tell him when he got thru the curtain
-Talks about the incident with Jack Evans and Samoa Joe backstage
-What happened when he got to the locker room
-Having his bags thrown out in the hallway
-What Julius Smokes did in the locker room to calm the situation a little
-Talks about Samoa Joe warning him to leave the building and why he waited for Joe to finish his match and return to the locker room
-What happened in the hallway when Joe came back to the locker room after his match
-Talks about all the controversy on the internet after the incident
-Talks about CM Punk’s online journal postings about him
-Talks about people in the business being jealous of him
-What advice did Bret Hart give him about what happened
-How he ended up working for Court Bauer in MLW
-What happened when he first came in contact with Steve Corino backstage at MLW
-Who proposed they do a worked angle based on your internet feud and previous problems
-Where the angle was headed
-Teddy lashes out against Corino for comments he made while doing commentary for MLW
-Talks about the comments Corino made about his on his shoot interview
-Talks about his recent tour of Hawaii and matches against AJ Styles
-Working for CZW
-Has there been any contact between himself and WWE in the past year
-Does he think the negative talk on the internet and recent incidents has effected his chances of getting into WWE in the near future
-Talks about the Bret Hart-Shawn Michaels screwjob at Survivors Series
-Gives his side of what happened in Nashville prior to the NWA TNA show a feew weeks ago where he got into a fight with CM Punk outside a restaurant
-What did TNA management say to each guy
-Getting hurt in his match that night against Aguila
-Talks about the internet reporting that he faked the injury
-Hart lashes out against the internet fans and smart marks
-Closes the interview by offering a very controversial challenge to Steve Corino